Research papers and documents - Light Pollution Science and Technology Institute


Tomography of light pollution, press release...

Recent progresses toward a second world atlas of the night sky brightness, report...

Characterization of a Sky Quality Meter, report...

La notte non scende più, press release...

ISTIL Report 2001, download...

The night sky in the World, web site...


Elvidge C.D., Cinzano P., Pettit D.R., Arvesen J., Sutton P., Small C., Nemani R., Longcore T., Rich C., Safran J., Weeks J., Ebener S. 2006, The nightsat mission concept, International Journal of Remote Sensing, in press

Cinzano P., Elvidge C. D. 2004, Night sky brightness at sites from DMSP-OLS satellite measurements, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 353, 1107-1116 (ISSN: 0035-8711), download

Cinzano P. 2004, A portable spectrophotometer for light pollution measurements, Mem. Soc. Astron. It., Suppl., 5/2004, 395-398 (ISSN: 0037-8720), download

Cinzano P. 2004, Inquinamento luminoso e provvedimenti legislativi per la protezione dell’ambiente notturno, in Le Immissioni, ed. M. A. Mazzola ed., Quaderni della Rivista Giuridica dell’Ambiente, 14, 113-124 (Giuffrè, Milano) (ISBN: 88-14-10938-9)

Cinzano P. 2004, La valutazione dell’impatto ambientale dell’inquinamento luminoso, Atti Convegno Nazionale Immissioni ed Emissioni, Milano 14-12- 2004, Rivista Verde Ambiente, n.1 gen/feb, 57-63 (Editoriale EVA, Roma), download

Cinzano P. 2003, A laboratory for the photometry and radiometry of light pollution, Mem. Soc. Astron. It. Suppl., 3, 312-315 (ISSN: 0037-8720), download

Cinzano, P. Falchi F. 2003, A portable wide-field instrument for mapping night sky brightness automatically, Mem. Soc. Astron. It., 74, 458-459.(ISSN: 0037-8720), download

Cinzano P., Elvidge C.D. 2003, Night sky brightness at sites from satellite data, Mem. Soc. Astron. It., 74, 456-457.(ISSN: 0037-8720) , download

Cinzano P., 2002, The growth of the artificial night sky brightness in North America in the period 1947-2000: a preliminary picture, in Light Pollution: a Global View, ed. H. Schwarz, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 39-48 (ISBN 1-4020- 1174-1)

Cinzano P., Elvidge C. D. 2002, Modelling night sky brightness at sites from DMSP satellite data, in Light Pollution: a Global View, ed. H. Schwarz, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 29-38 (ISBN 1-4020-1174-1)

Cinzano P., Falchi F., Elvidge C. D. 2002, Global monitoring of the night sky brightness by satellites and situation of the night sky in Chile, in Light Pollution: a Global View, ed. H. Schwarz, Kluwer, Dordrecht, p. 15-28 (ISBN 1-4020-1174-1)

Cinzano P. (ed.) 2002, Light Pollution and the Protection of the Night Environment, Proceedings of the conference Light Pollution and the Protection of the Night Environment, Venice: Let’s Save the Night, Venice 3 May 2002, ISTIL-Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell’Inquinamento Luminoso, (ISBN 88-88517-01-4) (320 pp.), download

Cinzano P. 2002, Light pollution and the situation of the night sky in Europe, in Italy and in Veneto, in Light Pollution and the Protection of the Night Environment, ed. P. Cinzano, ISTIL, p.91-102 (ISBN 88-88517-01-4), download

Cinzano P. 2002, Technical measures for an effective limitation of the effects of light pollution, in Light Pollution and the Protection of the Night Environment, ed. P. Cinzano, ISTIL, p. 193-205 (ISBN 88-88517-01-4), download

Cinzano P., Falchi, 2002, A Worldwide Project for CCD Measurements of Night Sky Brightness, IAPPP Communications, 88, 54, in press, protocol

Cinzano P. 2002, Roadpollution: a software to evaluate and understand light pollution from road lighting installations, presented at the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, Technical Committee TC4-21 (Interference of light on the astronomical observations), CIE Div.4 meeting, Turin, 28 September - 3 October 2002, download

Cinzano P. 2002, Light pollution by luminaires in roadway lighting, presented at the Commission Internationale de l’Eclairage, Technical Committee TC4-21 (Interference of light on the astronomical observations), CIE Div.4 meeting, Turin, 28 September - 3 October 2002, download

Cinzano P., Falchi F., Elvidge C.D. 2001, The first world atlas of the artificial night sky brightness, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 328, 689-707 (ISSN: 0035-8711), download

Other publications by P. Cinzano are available in the web site Light Pollution in Italy. For a complete list of publications see his personal home page.


Cinzano P., Falchi F., Elvidge C.D. 2001, Rapporto ISTIL 2001, Stato del cielo notturno e inquinamento luminoso in Italia, Istituto di Scienza e Tecnologia dell’Inquinamento Luminoso, Thiene, (ISBN 88-88517-00-6), 80 pp., download


Cinzano P. 2006, Recent progresses on a second world atlas of the night-sky brightness: lptran/lpdart realistic models, tomography of light pollution, accurate validation methods and extended satellite data analysis. Presented at the meeting of the IAU Commission 50 (The protection of exixting and potential astronomical sites), Working Group "Light Pollution", XXVI IAU General Assembly, Praha 23 August 2006, download paper, slides

Cinzano P., Falchi F., Elvidge C.D. 2003, Global monitoring of light pollution and night sky brightness from satellite measurements. Presented at the meeting of the IAU Commission 50 (The protection of exixting and potential astronomical sites), Working Group "Light Pollution", XXV IAU General Assembly, Sidney 25 June - 2 July 2003, download slides, paper

Cinzano P., Falchi F., Elvidge C.D. 2002, Global monitoring of light pollution and night sky brightness from satellite measurements. Presented at the meeting of the Italian Space Agency, Rome december 2002, download slides


Cinzano P., 2006, The evaluation of the environmental impact of road lighting. Presented at the meeting of the IAU Commission 50 (The protection of exixting and potential astronomical sites), Working Group "Light Pollution", XXVI IAU General Assembly, Praha 23 August 2006, download

Cinzano P. 2003, A laboratory for the photometry and radiometry of light pollution. Presented at the meeting of the Working Group Light Pollution of the Comm. 50 of the International Astronomical Union, XXV General Assembly, Sidney 25 June - 2 July 2003, download

Internal reports and technical documents

Cinzano, P. 2005, Night Sky Photometry with Sky Quality Meter, ISTIL Int. Rep. 9, download

Cinzano, P. 2003, The laboratory of Photometry and Radiometry of Light Pollution (LPLAB), ISTIL Int. Rep. 7

Cinzano, P. 2003, Working procedure to reducing WASBAM-SSH spectra with IRAF, ISTIL Int. Rep. 4

Cinzano, P. 2002, WASBAM Manuale di Procedura, ISTIL Int. Rep. 1


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