Copyright 2000, P. Cinzano, Thiene, Italy All rights reserved
Pierantonio Cinzano
Dark-Sky Association[1]
Section, Scientific Director 13,
Via Roma I-36016
Thiene, Italy cinzano@pd.astro.it Fabio Falchi
Dark-Sky Association Italian Section 1,
Via Puccini I-46030
Virgilio, Italy falchi@lightpollution.it ABSTRACT
We invite advanced amateurs astronomers to
collaborate in a scientific project of the International Dark-Sky Association -
Italian Section already started in a number of countries. The project has the
aim to collect a large number of measurements of night sky brightness in the
primary astronomical photometrical bands together with extinction data. Amateurs
which can have at their disposal a CCD device mounted on a small telescope and
one, or more, standard U, B, V, R filters could make accurate measurements of
sky brightness together with extinction in a large number of nights and, if
their instruments are transportable, in many different sites. This will allow to
obtain for each site the relation between atmospheric conditions and sky
brightness, useful for many studies of light pollution. We would like to create
many sub-groups in each country, each one with an experienced person who can
give support and suggestions to the others, and discuss with them. I. INTRODUCTION
We invite advanced amateurs astronomers to
collaborate with us in a scientific project which has the aim to collect a large
number of measurements of night sky brightness around the World in the primary
astronomical photometrical bands together with extinction data. The project is
part of scientific activities of the International Dark-Sky Association -
Italian Section and is already started in a number of countries. Many studies of light pollution
and artificial sky brightness require large quantities of measurements of sky
brightness that, in order to be useful, need to be associated to the knowledge
of the atmospheric conditions during the measurements. The measure of vertical
extinction is one of the simpler way to evaluate the aerosol content of the
atmosphere. We propose to advanced amateurs
which can have at their disposal a CCD device mounted on a small telescope and
one, or more, standard U, B, V, R filters to participate to our group of study
making accurate measurements of sky brightness together with extinction in a
large number of nights and, if their instruments are transportable, in many
different sites. This will allow to obtain for each site the relation between
atmospheric conditions and sky brightness. Measurements require registration of
date, time, sky position in both celestial and altazimuthal coordinates. Could
be useful if measurements will not be limited to zenith but will cover the
entire hemisphere with one of the common sampling schemes. Few experienced people who
already made this kind of measurements will be happy to discuss the techniques
to use and the results with who is willing to collaborate, so that results will
be obtained with the same technique by all observers. We would like to create
small sub-groups, each one with an experienced person who can give support and
suggestions to the others, and discuss with them. We plan to publish results in a
professional journal with a paper at which all active observers will take part
as authors, if resulting
measurements will have an adequate level and will be in a sufficiently large
number. For information about sub-groups in your
Country or any question, please contact Fabio Falchi falchifa@tin.it
. Scientific discussions between
observers will take place, if necessary, on Magnitude-6, mailing list http://www.gea.cesca.es/magnitude6/index.html
. The more
recent updates of this observation protocol will be published on the web site
Light pollution in Italy http://www.pd.astro.it/cinzano/. Reports on the state
of the work will be published on the IDA Newsletters. II.
Using a CCD, a small telescope and standard photometric filters you may
follow this procedure to obtain the night sky brightness: ·
It is not
necessary that the night be particularly clear, in fact our aim is to obtain
several brightness measurements taken in different transparency condition. The
only request is that condition be constant during the measures and without
clouds, veils and haze. The meteorological condition should remain constant and
the Moon should be well under the horizon (h< -10°) during the measures. ·
avoid sites with lighting installations at distance under about 500 m. Inside
cities a unlighted park could be a good choice. ·
Choose one
or more sky zones, always including the zenith, where to measure the brightness.
For example: the zenith, 8 zones at 45° altitude equally spaced in azimuth
along the horizon and 12 zones at 20° altitude every 30° in azimuth. ·
several (a dozen, if possible)
photometric standard stars (e.g. Johnson 1963 or, if you need fainter stars,
Landolt 1992) having different altitude (from near the zenith to below 30°
altitude). Particularly useful are the stars above 60° and those below 30°.
Possibly choose a star near every zone where the brightness will be measured. ·
exposures of standard stars and determine their altitudes (e.g. using a
planetarium software later). Take exposures in the chosen sky zones. If the time
used to make the exposures is so long to suspect a change in sky
transparency you should measure again the standard stars counts in order
to determine a second extinction coefficient. Then take the average of the two. Take
care to record the observing site latitude, longitude and altitude above sea
level as accurately as possible (an accuracy better than 15” would be
appreciated), the date, the duration and time of each exposure (check if the CCD
camera control software does it automatically), alt-azimuth and equatorial
coordinates of the measured sky zones and stars (you could do this later using a
planetarium software and knowing exactly the sky zone or the star exposed and
the time). Keep a note on the meteorological conditions. In
detail: a)
choose the photometric band(s) to use and mount the appropriate filter(s). b)
Get reference flat frames and the dark frames for the exposure needed on
the stars. c)
Expose the standard stars. Pay attention NOT to saturate any pixel. d)
Get reference dark frames for the exposure needed on the sky. e)
Expose the sky zones. Do not include brilliant stars. ·
Reduce the
images following the standard procedure: a)
from every raw image subtract the dark frame taken with the same exposure
time (the bias frame is assumed to be included in the dark frame)[2].
From the flat frame (It should be the average of several exposures) subtract the
appropriate dark. Divide the dark-subtracted raw image by the flat normalised to
the mean value (usually this normalisation is included automatically in the
standard action of ‘divide by flat’ in the CCD control software) b)
On the star exposures measure the total counts of the star in an area
surely covering the entire star image (often the outer portion of a star image
seems black even if it contain counts). Subtract the sky counts on an equal area
of the same image where there is only the background sky. Scale the counts to
the time of one second. c) In the sky images measure the total counts of the pixels in an area where no star are. Calculate the total sky area in arcsec2 covered by these pixels. Scale the total sky counts in that area to that in a square arc second. Scale this number to one second exposure. ·
Get the
instrument photometric scale factor and extinction coefficient in this way (for
every band studied): a)
For every standard star, calculate the air masses: x=1/cos z,
where z is the zenith distance. In case of very low altitudes (z>70°)
use this more accurate formula: x= (1 - 0.0012tan2 z) sec z.
Then calculate the variable y=mcat+2.5log Istar,
where mcat is the magnitude of the star and Istar
the counts in a second. b)
Graph y over x and obtain the best fit line y = a + bx
. It is better to compute not only a and b, but their errors too (e.g.fig.1). The photometric scale factor C is: C=a and the extinction coefficient[3] k is: k = - b · Compute the brightness of the measured sky zones: msky = C – 2.5logIsky, where Isky is the sky count in a second in a square arc second. ·
Report your
measurements to your sub-group or to IDA-Italian Section (at the addresses of
the authors) including all the necessary information, such as: the telescope
aperture and CCD used, geographical position (latitude, longitude and altitude)
of observing site, date and time, extinction coefficient in each band measured,
alt-azimuth and equatorial coordinates of the measured sky zones and their
brightness in each band measured. Please, include also an estimation of the
magnitude of the fainter stars visible in the sky images and the size of the
area used for the brightness measures. If available,
give the solar cycle phase too.
FIGURE 1. In this example the extinction coefficient k
=0.385 in magnitude per air mass and the photometric scale factor C =
16.19 magnitudes. III.
If you like to estimate the artificial sky brightness by yourself, you
should transform the data from magnitudes/arcsec2 to photonic
radiance in ph s-1 cm-2 sr-1 (or in luminance
in cd/ m-2, for V band only) and then subtract the natural sky
brightness in the same units. Translation formulae have been given by Garstang
(1986, 1989) in B band: b [ph s-1 cm-2 sr-1] =
10((41.956-B[mag/arcsec^2]) / 2.5)
and in V band: b [ph s-1 cm-2 sr-1] =
10((41.438-V[mag/arcsec^2]) / 2.5) or
b [cd m-2] = 10((12.603-V[mag/arcsec^2]) / 2.5) Formulae for other bands are under study. The natural
sky brightness depends from many parameters, like e.g. the geographic position,
the zone of the sky measured, the solar activity. It will be determined from
measurements taken in the darkest sites. For a preliminary estimate we can
assume approximately 22.8 mag/arcsec2 in B and 21.7 mag/arcsec2
The sky brightness measured in darkest sites require a correction. Using
a small field detector, such the CCD, some of the integrated star light is
excluded from the measure of the sky background brightness. In fact we exclude
from the counts all the stars brighter than the dimmest visible in the sky
exposure (we choose a sky portion on the image where no stars are visible). In
order to refer the sky brightness to that perceived with the naked eye, we need
to take into account the light of the star fainter than sixth magnitude up to
the star brighter than the dimmest on the CCD sky image. The correction is
negligible where the natural brightness is a small fraction of the total (i.e.:
where light pollution is high). Even if integrated star light varies with the sky zone,
depending on the galactic latitude, we can approximately correct our
measurements adding the average contributes of the stars excluded from the
measure. E.g. if the fainter stars included in the measurement of the sky counts
are of magnitude 13, you have to add the contributes from magnitude 6 to 12. In
table 1 the typical contributes at mean galactic latitude are given. They may be
three times higher on the Milky Way and three times lower at the galactic poles.
State clearly if you made this correction or not and always report the original
uncorrected sky brightness. V. REFERENCES
C.W. 1976, Astrophysical Quantities, The Athlone Press, London Landolt,
A.U., 1992, Ap. J., 78, 959 Garstang,
R. 1986, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 98, 364-375 Garstang,
R. 1989, Publ. Astron. Soc. Pacific, 101, 306-329 Johnson, H.L., 1963, in Basic Astronomical Data, ed. K. A. Strand, Univ. Chicago Press, p.204
1. Typical contributes of stars of each magnitude interval to the integrated
star light (obtained from data in Allen 1976). [1]
International Dark-Sky Association, 3225 N. First
Avenue, Tucson, AZ 85719-2103, ida@darksky.org.
The IDA website is http://www.darksky.org [2] If your CCD allows bias subtraction, you do not need that the dark be of the same exposure time. You can, subtract the bias, rescale it to the chosen exposure time and sum the bias again. However, to reduce the noise, the dark should be of a comparable exposure time to the chosen one. An average of more dark of the same exposure time would be better. [3]
In fact, the star apparent magnitude “under the atmosphere” is mapp
= mcat + k/cos z = C –2.5log Istar
where k is the extinction coefficient in magnitude per air mass and C
is the photometric scale factor. From
this formula we
obtain that C – k/cos z = mcat +2.5log Istar,
so that y = C – kx. The photometric scale factor is C = a and
the extinction coefficient is k = - b