Published books
Proceedings of the convention "Light Pollution and the Protection of the Night
Environment - Venice: let's save the night" are
collected in a book of 356 pages, edited by Pierantonio
Cinzano and published by the Light
Pollution Science and Technology Institute (ISTIL) with the
support of UNESCO-ROSTE. The book reviews the many aspects of
light pollution with a simple language through contributions of
authors of international relevance: the importance of
stargazing to man throughout the centuries, the situation of the
night sky in Europe and Italy, ecological consequences of
artificial night lighting, teaching light pollution at school,
technical measures for an effective limitation of its effects,
controlling light pollution in Eastern Europe and much more (ISBN 88-88517-01-4). Available
The ISTIL Report 2001 "Stato del cielo notturno e Inquinamento luminoso in Italia" published by the Light Pollution Science and Tecnology Institute (ISTIL) collects many data about Italy based on satellite measurements: maps of the night sky brightness, stellar visibility, loss of magnitude, a large statistic on the situation of the night sky in the Italian regions and provinces and the capability of population to perceive the Universe. In Italian language with English abstract and captions of maps and tables (ISBN 88-88517-00-6). Available on-line.
Press release october 10th, 2001
Press release november 28th, 2001