di Astronomia
di Padova
Copyright 2000,
P. Cinzano, Thiene, Italy
rights reserved
References on Light Pollution
and Related Fields
Pierantonio Cinzano
On-line version 2.1.4 updated August
9, 2001
Internal Report No.11, November 5, 1993 (version 2: August 4,
1994) Dipartimento di Astronomia
dell'Università, Vicolo dell'Osservatorio 5, I-35100 Padova, Italy
Summary: In Part A of this bibliography I present a list of more than 400
references of papers on Light Pollution appeared on international scientific magazines and
other publications of interest on this field. I list in Part B some books and papers on
related fields which may be usefull for people working on Light Pollution. I collect in
Part C a list of first articles (48) published on Italian newspapers and magazines and
devoted to the general public or amateurs astronomers. Part D contain a
preliminary list of more than 130 papers about the effect of light pollution on the natural
environment, the animals, the vegetables and the man. The lists will be updated
I analyzed the distribution in time of papers and publications included in the
Reference List - Part A of version 2 (August 4, 1994). In the period 1968-1992, the mean
number of entries for year, averaged over five years, shows a positive derivative
increasing with the time and it is well expressed by an exponential function of the time.
The users of this document are kindly requested to acknowledge the use of this
For more references about space debris and electromagnetic
pollution have a look to the Bibliography for Light
Pollution, Radio Interference and Space Debris of the American Astronomical Society .
For more recent references of italian
popularization on light pollution have a look to the site of the
Italian organization CieloBuio.
If want to contribute to this list or make any correction, please mail to: Pierantonio Cinzano (cinzano@pd.astro.it). Please do
not ask for copies or reprint of the referenced papers because we are not organized to
offer this service. Please ask them directly to the authors or to the editors.

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of Padua
Copyright 2000,
P. Cinzano, Thiene, Italy
rights reserved